1896年,美国第一个篮球组织"全国篮球联盟(简称NBL)"成立,但当时篮球规则还不完善,组织机构也不健全,经过几个赛季后,该组织就名存实亡了。 1946年4月6日,由美国波士顿花园老板沃尔特·阿·布朗发起成立了“全美篮球协会”(英文简称BAA)",BAA成立时共11支球队。布朗首次提出了高薪制和合同制,高薪制是指职业篮球必须有雄厚的财政支援,这样才能使比赛保持在高水平上。合同制是指一名选手只能与一家俱乐部签订合同,并设立选手储备制,以防球员突然离队时受到损失。11月1日,BAA的比赛正式开始。对阵双方是多伦多爱斯基摩人队和纽约尼克斯队,比分是66:68,尼克斯获胜。 1947年,在费城勇士队的联盟中首位得分王乔·福尔克斯(场均23.2分)的率领下,以4:1战胜芝加哥牡鹿队,成为第一支总冠军。 1949年,在布朗的努力下,美国两大篮球组织BAA和NBL合并为"全国篮球协会(简称NBA)。 1950年,11月22日,明尼阿波利斯湖人队和韦恩堡活塞队的比赛中,创下了NBA最低比分,19:18。 1951年,3月2日,凯尔特人队总裁布朗免费提供波士顿花园体育馆,举办了首届全明星赛。最终比分为111:94,东部明星队获胜。 1952年,首次设立最佳新秀奖,第一位获奖球员为韦恩堡活塞队唐·梅尼克。 从1954,NBA开始实行24秒制。在战胜国民队后湖人队成为第一支三连冠的球队。当时NBA只有纽约尼克斯队、波士顿凯尔特人队、费城勇士队(金州勇士队)、韦恩堡活塞队(底特律活塞队)、明尼阿波利斯湖人队(洛杉矶湖人队)、罗彻斯特皇家队(萨克拉门托国王队)、锡拉丘兹国民队(费城76人队)、三城黑鹰队(亚特兰大老鹰队)8支球队。 1961年,芝加哥包装工队(华盛顿奇才队)加入。 1966年,凯尔特人完成了绝无仅有的八连冠。芝加哥公牛队加入NBA,成为第10支球队。[3] 1967年,一个新的篮球组织ABA(美国篮球协会)宣告成立,乔治·迈肯任第一位主席。圣迭戈火箭队(休斯敦火箭队)和西雅图超音速队加入,球队总数上升至12支。 1968年,密尔沃基雄鹿队和菲尼克斯太阳队加入,球队总数上升至14支。 1970年,新加入的3支球队分别是,克里夫兰骑士队、波特兰开拓者队、布法罗勇敢者队(洛杉矶快船队),联盟球队总数上升至17支。NBA联盟决定正式分区,当时成立的赛区分别有:大西洋赛区、中部赛区、太平洋赛区 和中西赛区。 1973年,美国哥伦比亚广播公司以27000万美元买下NBA比赛3年播映权,从而使NBA比赛首次走上电视,但由于当时还不具备实况转播的条件,所以只能播放录像。 1974年,新奥尔良爵士队(犹他爵士队)加入。球队总数达到18支。 1976年,由于经营不善,ABA被美国NBA吞并,原ABA球队丹佛掘金队、印第安纳步行者队、纽约网队(布鲁克林篮网队)和圣安东尼奥马刺队并入NBA。球队增加到22支。从此,NBA形成对美国篮球业的垄断。 1979年起,NBA开始实行3分远投制。为避免各队的实力悬殊,NBA建立了每年一度的"NBA新秀选拨制度"。 1980年,达拉斯小牛队加入NBA。 1988年,夏洛特黄蜂队(新奥尔良鹈鹕队)和迈阿密热火队加入NBA。 1989年,奥兰多魔术队和明尼苏达森林狼队加入NBA。 1995年,两支加拿大球队加入NBA,多伦多猛龙队和温哥华灰熊队(孟菲斯灰熊队),使NBA的球队达到29支。 2004年,夏洛特山猫队(夏洛特黄蜂队)加入,球队达到30支。
NBA将从2012年10月31日(均为北京时间)一直持续到2013年4月18日。期间,2013年2月15日至17日,全明星赛将在在美国第四大城市休斯敦进行,届时华裔球星林书豪将是主场作战。新赛季季后赛则在常规赛结束三天后拉开大幕。 新赛季揭幕战NBA一共安排了3场比赛,交战双方分别是克利夫兰骑士VS华盛顿奇才、洛杉矶湖人VS达拉斯小牛以及卫冕冠军迈阿密热火VS波士顿凯尔特人。 新赛季圣诞大战,联盟一共安排了五场强强对话,交战双方分别是凯尔特人VS布鲁克林篮网、纽约尼克斯VS湖人、俄克拉荷马城雷霆VS热火、火箭VS公牛以及掘金VS快船。 这五场比赛看点颇多,公牛自1997-98赛季后再次出现在圣诞大战的赛场上,他们的对手还是林书豪领军的火箭,遗憾的是届时德里克-罗斯应该会因伤无法出战;雷霆同热火将复刻总决赛对阵,湖人四星(纳什、科比、加索尔、霍华德)PK尼克斯四星(安东尼、钱德勒、小斯以及基德)。
NBA一般为48分钟,CBA为40分钟。NBA中一场篮球比赛分为两个半时共4节,每节12分钟,加时赛是5分钟,节与节之间的休息时间是130秒,半时之间休息15分钟,第四节与加时赛之间的休息时间是100秒,CBA每场比赛每节时间为10分钟。 篮球比赛即根据篮球运动进行的比赛。篮球比赛的形式多种多样,有较为常见的五人篮球,也有现在流行的街头三人篮球赛,是三对三的比赛,更讲究个人技术。 篮球赛中,标准篮球场应为28m×15m的长方形。场地的丈量从界线的内沿量起,而场内的各区、线、圈的丈量均从界线的外沿量起,场上各线线宽均为5cm。 地面应坚实平坦,至少在周围2m以内无障碍物。球队席区域有2条2m长的线,其颜色与边线和端线的颜色应有悬殊的差别。 篮球必须是正圆体,颜色为橘色,外皮必须用皮、橡胶或合成物质等材质制成,重600至650克,周长75至78厘米。球内气压的程度,以从球底部量起约1.8公尺的高度落到比赛场地上,其反弹高度,从球的顶部量起不得低于1.2公尺,或高于1.4公尺。 球篮包括篮圈和篮网。篮圈由坚实的铁料制造,内缘直径最少为45公分,最多为45.7公分,并漆成橘色。金属篮圈直径最小为1.6公分,最大为2.0公分。 篮网应为白色,悬挂于篮圈上,其目的在使球入篮后能稍受阻力,篮网应有十二目以便悬挂在篮圈上,其长度最短为40公分,最长不得超过45公分。 两面篮板应以透明的材质制成,最好是强化安全玻璃,其硬度相当于厚度三公分的木质。篮板的规格为宽1.80公尺,垂直高度1.05公尺,其下缘距离地板最少2.90公尺。 篮板的表面应平整,四周画上自界外线算起,宽为59公分,高为45公分的长方形,此长方形底线的上缘必须与篮圈上端相接。
The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league1 in the world,with teams from the United States and Canada.With the addition of the Toronto2 Raptors and the Vancouver3 Grizzlies prior to the 1995~1996 season,the NBA expanded to 29 teams competing in two conferences4,the Eastern and Western,in four separate divisions.Each team conducts a training camp in October to determine its 12-player ***.Training camp allows each team to evaluate players,especially rookies6 (first-year players),to assess7 the team's strengths and weaknesses,and to prepare players for the upcoming season through a series of on-court drills8 and practice of offensive9 and defensive strategy.After a series of exhibition games,the NBA begins its 82 game regular season in the first week of November. In the second week of February,the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game,featuring the game's best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference).In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot12.The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams,regardless of division.The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three ***.In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played,with the first team to earn four victories winning the round.The playoffs continue in this elimination14 scheme until a conference champion is crowned.The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion. Every June the league conducts its amateur draft15,in which each team obtains the rights to the professional services of the best collegiate and international players.Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces16 intercollegiate ***.To determine the draft order the NBA uses a draft lottery18,introduced in 1985.Those teams that failed to qualify for the playoffs the previous season are eligible for the lottery.The lottery determines the first three teams to select in the draft.The remaining teams draft according to their win-loss record of the previous season,so that teams with poorer records draft higher than those with better records.The NBA draft consists of only two rounds,with a total of 58 players chosen.Those players not selected in the draft can be invited to try out19 for a team and are sometimes signed to playing contracts. The NBA's official development league is the Continental Basketball Association (CBA).The league was founded in 1946 and now features 12 teams playing in two conferences.Many players,coaches,executives,and referees20 have honed21 their skills in the CBA before going on to NBA careersseason in the first week of November. In the second week of February,the NBA interrupts its season to celebrate the annual NBA All-Star game,featuring the game's best players as selected by the general balloting10 of fans throughout the United States and Canada.After the NBA season concludes in the third week in April,a total of 16 teams qualify for the playoffs11(8 teams from each conference).In each conference the two division winners are guaranteed a playoff spot12.The remaining playoff spots in each conference are awarded on the basis of win-loss records to the six next- best13 teams,regardless of division.The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three ***.In subsequent rounds best-of-seven series are played,with the first team to earn four victories winning the round.The playoffs continue in this elimination14 scheme until a conference champion is crowned.The champions from the Eastern and Western conferences then meet in a best-of-seven series to determine the NBA champion.